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Desjardins’ 100 km for Centraide Bas-St-Laurent

Publié le 17/10/2019
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Saturday October 5th, 2019, some of PMI Structures’ employees took part of the Desjardins’ 100 km fundraising for Centraide (United Way) Bas-St-Laurent and raised $1085 for this event.

A great example of Social engagement and team work that we can find within our company.  Thanks for theses efforts happily offered to our community, it is a privilege to count each of you as part of our distinguished employees.

Participants in Alphabetical order:

  • Gabrielle Amyot-Lachance
  • Rémi Berger
  • Jean-Fançois Desmarais (with daughter Camille Desmarais)
  • Mélanie Labrie
  • Denis Lévesque
  • Louis-Philippe Morin
  • Gino Picard
  • Sylvain St-Pierre