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MOVEMBER – PMI/Prometek participate and spice it up a little

Publié le 26/11/2019
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The employees from both or our fabrication sites in Quebec and Rimouski were invited to join the PMI-PROMETEK team that registered on the Construction Canadian challenge, having them compete with other construction companies within Canada. Click on the below link to view their elegant moustaches and donate if this moves you.  Only a few days left.


A little spice to the recipe

Contest #1 : The most beautiful moustache at PMI and Prometek

Will be judged by the women within the 2 companies.  The winner of each company will be given a Barber gift certificate.

Contest #2. Participation rate.

A scientific and serious counting of how many days the moustaches were present, by participant per company.  Il will then result in a participation % per company.

We will keep you posted…